test 4

Overrated: Rome - when I went there, it was very touristy, hot, full of people trying to steal your shit, overpriced, and when you got to see something finally - it was rushed. The food was good, though.

Regarding Italy, I liked Florence considerably more than Rome...and the small cities in Tuscany where we did day trips (I can't spell them).

Underrated: Cardiff, Dublin


reply 5408/20/2015
I was born and raised in Amsterdam and I can't think of a city that I hate more.

I think it's the people that make Amsterdam a markedly shitty place, especially the self-congratulatory yuppie-types, who live in the city-center and the south part of the city . Also the people who work in the service industry (mostly students or school kids) treat their customers like scum.


reply 5508/20/2015
Overrated: Berlin Underrated: Potsdam

see offsite link on staticflickr.com
—Glorious ochre

reply 5608/20/2015

I gotta disagree. I've been to Berlin twice and loved it.


reply 5708/20/2015
Overrated: Milan


reply 5808/20/2015
I lived for 8 years in Berlin and I miss it terribly at times. It lacks old-world charm, but there are some very pretty areas and interesting modern buildings. Arts and culture - more than you can shake a stick at. Every kind of nightlife on offer all of the time. I would only call it overrated in the sense that it was starting to become overrun with young hipsters, wanna-bes and tourists when I moved there (and I suppose I was in at least one of those categories) & more and more kept moving in all of the time. It's not as cool as it was 10-15 years ago, but it's still pretty great.


reply 5908/20/2015
Amsterdam is a special kind of misery, like many have said.


reply 6008/20/2015
Bilbao, Dublin and Manchester are the three notable shitholes I've been to, that don't at least have the excuse of being bombed out during the War.

Milan might be the most disappointing one that does.


reply 6108/20/2015
I don't think London is overrated at all.

But it doesn't show the best of itself to strangers immediately.

You need explore the back streets the hidden alleys and parks and residential squares.

But if you go as a tourist and just hang around in the center and do all the touristy things it can feel disappointing.

Climb Primrose Hill and go explore Hampstead Heath the next time.

see offsite link on blogspot.com

reply 6208/20/2015
The view of London from the top of Primrose Hill

see offsite link on ltstatic.com

reply 6308/20/2015
[R63] There are views, and there are views. THIS is definitely a view. From the Piazzale Michelangelo, Florence, with the Arno and the Ponte Vecchio.

Offsite Link
Get theDL on Entertainment

reply 6408/20/2015

Dublin a shithole? I think not.


reply 6508/20/2015
Outside of Trinity? Absolutely.


reply 6608/20/2015
I used to go to Rome in the fall but now I'm wondering if there is any time to go except the middle of winter to avoid the hordes of tourists which have been increased with the influx of Russians and Asians.


reply 6708/20/2015
This thread needs criteria for the ratings...

Overrated: London / Underrated: Belfast is meaningless


reply 6808/20/2015
Overrated: Venice (dear fucking God the crowds), Geneva (duller than week-old oatmeal).

Underrated: Lisbon, Naples.


reply 6908/20/2015
Overrated: Oslo, Norway (boring and ugly)

Underrated: Bergen, Norway (fun and beautiful)


reply 7008/20/2015
I preferred Budapest to Prague as well. Service staff in Prague are borderline miserable.


reply 7108/20/2015
Overrated: London, Madrid, Brussels, Majorca and Rome

Underrated: Dubrovnik


reply 7208/20/2015
The best cities for me are often the ones where I have a friend or acquaintance willing to show me the inside daily life, meet locals, and also hints on where to go, what to see, and what to avoid. Also, in my 20's and 30's I was a sex tourist sometimes and supply of hot dick could make a visit wonderful. In those years, London, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Vienna, Barcelona, were always welcome for a few days or longer. Taking a course in a city, or having a work placement, and having the month or two to get to know it lazily, also makes it shine. Geneva, Paris, Vienna, Cologne, Munich, Hamburg, Genoa, Seville,

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